We have 2 suppliers for our school uniform, they are My Clothing who provide an online store via their website www.myclothing.com, the school will receive a 5% cash donation for every purchase made and The Webb Ellis uniform shop in Rugby town centre.
Skirt or pinafore - grey
School trousers long or short - grey
School sweatshirt/cardigan - dark green
Polo shirt - white
Socks - white or grey
Tights - grey
Shoes (not trainers or boots) black or navy (fashion footwear is not acceptable)
Dress for summer wear - green and white checked gingham or stripes
Hairbands/scrunchies In school colours only (no headscarves or other hair accessories)
Book Bag
We would like to impress on parents the need to provide sensible school-type footwear, which we hope will help minimise playground accidents. Please do not send children in flimsy, ballet-style shoes or with open toed sandals.
P.E. Uniform (worn to school on P.E. days)
Plain white T-shirt/polo shirt
Black shorts/leggings/joggers
School cardigan/sweatshirt or plain black hoodie
Trainers or pumps
Jewellery and Accessories
Staff have a duty of care to ensure that pupils are able to actively participate in activities without unnecessarily endangering themselves or those working around them.
The following procedure is applied at the commencement of every lesson:
All jewellery and accessories are removed. Staff always give a verbal reminder to pupils, and where necessary, visually monitor the group and/or individuals. If the situation cannot be made safe, the individual pupil(s) concerned should not actively participate. Disclaimers from parents about the wearing of any item of jewellery by a pupil will be declined. Children with pierced ears should wear small stud type earrings or sleepers. For safety reasons these should not be worn on days when children do P.E.
We do not allow children to come to school wearing nail varnish or temporary tattoos.
Lost Property
We generate a substantial amount of lost property each term.
We encourage children to take responsibility for their belongings. Named items are returned to the child, whilst those unmarked are placed in our lost property boxes. You can help them and us by:
Marking ALL items of clothing (especially footwear) clearly with your child’s name and surname. (Marker pens or sewn in labels are best as ordinary pens soon wash out.).