
Bawnmore Community

Infant school

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Page

School Council

Aims and organisation

At Bawnmore, we value the importance of our children having a say in what happens in our school. If we are truly expecting them to be independent, respectful and creative, we know it is essential for them to have responsibilities and to feel listened to. The children have elected two school council members from each of our Key Stage One Classes. Although Reception will join later in the year. In their role, they are expected to gather the thoughts and ideas of the children in the classes they are representing about various questions posed such as "How can we raise money for Project Play?", "What play equipment would we like in our outside areas?" and "What events would we like FOB to organise?".   The school council then take on the responsibility of making some of the changes happen.  Meetings are held once a fortnight at 8.30am in Mrs Davey's office and are facilitated by Mrs Martin and Mrs Davey.

Who are we?


This year our school councillors are:

