
Bawnmore Community

Infant school

Ready, Respectful, Safe

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School Performance Tables

No national tests took place in 2019-2020 due to Covid-19 school closures, therefore the data shown here is for the academic year 2018-2019.

There will be no national data for 2020-2021 because all tests and teacher assessments have once again been cancelled due to Covid-19.


Children are assessed at the end of their Reception year to determine whether they have reached the national measure of a Good Level of Development (GLD). 

The following table shows the three years of data that we currently hold . It compares the school's data against a Consortium group of local schools, Warwickshire schools as a whole and the National data. 



 Year One

Children’s reading ability is assessed at the end of Year One using the national Phonics Screening Check. 

The following table shows the three years of data that we currently hold. It compares the school's data against a Consortium group of local schools, Warwickshire schools as a whole and the National data. 




 Year Two

All children must sit Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) in the year that they are 7 years old. In our school this happens in the summer term of Year 2.

The following table shows the last three years of data that we currently hold. It compares the school's data against a Consortium group of local schools, Warwickshire schools as a whole and the National data. 


