
Bawnmore Community

Infant school

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Page

School Organisation

Our children are divided into 4 year groups.


These are: -             Pre-School               3/4 years old                      Foundation Stage 1                 

                                 Year R                     4/5 years old                      Foundation Stage 2                

                                 Year 1                      5/6 years old                      Key Stage 1                             

                                 Year 2                      6/7 years old                      Key Stage 1                            


In school, children are organised into 6 classes, with 2 classes of the same age in each year group and a maximum of 30 children in each class.


The classes are named as follows:



Reception—Swans and Doves

Year One—Robins and Herons

Year Two—Kingfishers and Woodpeckers


For the greater part of the week the children stay with their class teacher.  They are taught as a whole class, in small groups or individually according to need.  The children follow their appropriate level in each area of the National Curriculum or Early Learning Goals, for Foundation Stage.  The children are encouraged to work together to solve problems or to formulate ideas.  Sometimes they go out of school to study the local environment. We try to ensure that all children are given an equal opportunity to develop to their full potential, in terms of their educational, personal, social and emotional needs.


As parents realise, children’s learning takes place throughout the whole day.  Our school day is taken up with timetabled activities involving both formal and informal experiences from 8.55 a.m. to 3.10 p.m.  The time committed to teaching National Curriculum subjects, Religious Education and other curriculum provision is 21 hours per week.


School times


School officially begins at 8.55 a.m. but children may come to school between 8.45 and 8.55 a.m.  Please accompany your child/children into the school playground and ensure that they go safely into their classrooms.


Playtime is usually 10.40 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

Lunchtime is          12.00 p m – 1.00 p.m.

School finishes at    3.10 p.m.

In the interest of safety, children must enter through either of the small pedestrian gates and must walk on the path, NOT through the car park.  Due to the lack of space, car parking is not available for parents on the school site.



Please read what the children think of our school -


What’s it like to be in our school?

Bawnmore Infant School is on Bawnmore Road in Rugby.  We have six classes with thirty children in each class.  Our school has beautiful surroundings including trees, flowers and a trim trail. The teachers are very kind (who would like strict teachers!)  In our school children learn and play together.  There are lots of exciting lessons and surprises too!


The school day

Each morning the teacher takes the register to make sure everybody is here.   At half past ten it is assembly time.



We have assembly every day in the school hall.  It is a time to sing, listen to music and stories, relax and think about the theme of the week. We love it when a visitor comes to assembly!  On Friday we have a Values Book assembly when we celebrate our achievements.  After assembly we have a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables then we go out to play.



We have playtime every day. Playtime is a time to take a break from learning, get some air and have some fun; to stretch your legs and be loud!  It is a time to play with friends and make new ones. We have a tyre park and a trim trail to play on and you get equipment at playtime.  There are two playgrounds, on the top there is a friendship bench.  You sit on it and might find a friend.  On sunny days we get to go on the grass.



We have lunchtime every day.  All the children in the school eat.  In the morning you choose the lunch that you want.  Some children bring packed lunch to eat at lunchtime.  Some children have dinners that the cooks cook.  The dinners are yummy.  You can sit with friends and have a chat.



When it comes to learning we work hard and we always do as the teacher says.  We have maths, P.E, computers and lots of different learning challenges which are nearly always fun! We do reading and mostly they are interesting books.  We also get to take a reading book home. 



There are lots of clubs in the morning and after school.  Clubs start when the other children go home or before they come to school. Our clubs are fantastic.  


What else happens in our school?

Sometimes we go on trips to learn more about our themes or to take part in competitions.  We are allowed non-school uniform on our trips!  Visitors come to our school to talk to us, show us interesting things or perform.  We all love the pantomimes.  There are special days and events when we raise money for charity.


Now you have all the information we will look forward to seeing you!

